
Vigorously defending clients accused of manslaughter
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Manslaughter Attorney In Atlanta, Georgia

What Is Manslaughter?

Manslaughter, by its definition, implicates the unlawful ending of a person's life without any lawful excuse such as self-defense. The levels of this charge can vary - voluntary manslaughter usually comes about in the heat of the moment during a dispute, while involuntary manslaughter is typically the result of an unlawful act or extraordinarily careless behavior leading to a fatal outcome. It's a charge that demands serious legal attention. 

This is exactly what Aaron N. Freedman, a dedicated Criminal Defense attorney, based in Atlanta, Georgia, provides. He has a proven track record in vigorously defending clients facing manslaughter charges. For reliable legal representation, get in touch with Aaron N. Freedman today.

Contact Law Offices of Aaron N. Freedman to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today. 678-661-6522

What Penalties Might I Face?

Manslaughter is a serious charge that typically results in prison time and substantial fines. It's not uncommon for those convicted to be granted probation eventually. Nevertheless, given the grave implications tied to the loss of life, most judges and juries lean towards imposing prison time. It is in times like these that you need Aaron N. Freedman, a respected criminal defense attorney based in Atlanta, Georgia. With his extensive background handling manslaughter cases, Aaron is deeply committed to helping you secure the most favorable outcome. Don't just wait and see; get Aaron Freedman on your side today!

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Defending You with Passion and Purpose

It's crucial to have a dedicated legal professional like Aaron N. Freedman in your corner. Working diligently to dissect and challenge the prosecution's case against you, Aaron helps by carefully examining the police report, and uncovering overlooked details that can potentially change the direction of the case. His focus is on finding inaccuracies and holes in the prosecution's argument, with the ultimate goal of having your charges dismissed or reduced. If necessary, he is also prepared to fiercely represent you in court. Reach out to his Georgia office to understand what Aaron N. Freedman can do for you.

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